Kohinga Kōrero
Kohinga Kōrero
“Kei roto i te taiao te hononga ki ngā Atua - mā tō ake tirohanga, mā ōu ake rongo - te rongo kakara, te rongo tārawa, te rongo whakapā - ka hono i a koe ki tō taiao, ki ngā Atua. Tūhono Taiao - Tūhono Atua.”
“Kei roto i te taiao te hononga ki ngā Atua - mā tō ake tirohanga, mā ōu ake rongo - te rongo kakara, te rongo tārawa, te rongo whakapā - ka hono i a koe ki tō taiao, ki ngā Atua. Tūhono Taiao - Tūhono Atua.”
“Tapuwaekura supports kura and kaiako to implement a Te Ao Māori approach through whakapapa and mātauranga Māori to connect tamariki to te taiao (the environment) for better health and wellbeing outcomes.”
“When given a cultural lens (Te Ao Maori perspective) to look at and explore the Taiao it resonates more because the interactive approach and accompanying narrative frame the learning in a way that it is easier to understand and appreciate.”
“He tirohanga rerekē ki te hīkoi ki roto i te taiao me te tiro ki ngā wāhanga mātauranga, huahuatau e kaha kite, kāore rānei e kite i roto i ngā mahi o ia rā.”
“A physical - wrap around approach to learning, aligning and flipping a science narrative with an Ao Māori view.”
“A physical - wrap around approach to learning, aligning and flipping a science narrative with an Ao Māori view.”